
Braising is a method of cooking in a closed container with very little liquid and normally in an oven. If the liquid were to increase it would be called stewing. This method is used mainly for red meat like beef or mutton, but can also be used for white meat like veal and lamb, and also for poultry and fish, although the fish is rather stewed in very little liquid rather than braised, in the strict sense of the term. The meat used for braising is moistened with stock or even with water.

In earlier times, but hopefully not now, meat destined for braising was interlarded, that is, it was stuffed with best pork fat lardoons, or thin strips of lard seasoned with spices, moistened with brandy, and sprinkled with finely chopped parsley. That was not so long ago, when prime beef had to have at least 40 percent fat and you had to pay extra for it.