Our aim is to bring to Internet users, the same unique approach to health and weight problems which Dr. Phillipson brings to her practice. To minister to the special needs of individual clients, with focused attention to their specific health problems, with the sensitivity, judiciousness and open mind required in any successful nutrition health practice. Hence, the advice and programs sent to clients who request our Customized Programs are not computer generated. These individualized programs, take into consideration all relevant data, from blood group to diet, from personal traits to lifestyle, and from ancestral and cultural origins to hereditary disposition.
However, some people may opt for our do-it-yourself Weight Loss Program also offered here. This is based on the same research and nutrition principles, but it is not personalized to include the individual's specific make-up and needs. This is to accommodate persons with sufficient nutritional knowhow, or those who wish to find out if The Heritage Diet works for them, before they opt for the more specialized Customized Programs.
Our aim is also to educate people on an individual basis, so they can better understand the foundations of their health and their specific problems. An educated patient is one who understands one's own nature, who is mentally aware of the specific problem ailing one, what the health practitioner proposes and why he or she does so, what the chances of success are, and what are the risks involved.
This is not easy and it is not simple. But it is the only alternative to hanging the responsibility for our health on someone else, and then endlessly complain about what should have been done, but simply hasn't. We emphasize knowledge, understanding, and education to minimize senseless worry about our health.
We are, and by all means must be, in charge of our own health. But today sound health cannot be taken for granted, and it is not easy to achieve. Not everyone has the background knowledge and training to assume responsibility for one's health. For this reason the interested reader will find in this website a wealth of information on all aspects of nutrition and health. Take some time and inform yourself on matters that may be crucial for your health and this of your family.