Strengthening the Immune System

A study in complexity
The immune system is one of the most complex entities of the human body. Partly, this is no doubt due to the fact that its functions have been only recently understood. Immune system problems may be now divided into three main categories:

  • Hypersensitivity reactions, such as anaphylactic shock
  • Autoimmune disorders like psoriasis and lupus erythematosus
  • Deficiency states, whether congenital or acquired

Partly, it is the sheer complexity of the process that includes the major histocompatibility complex. Briefly, this is an individual's unique identity code provided by the genes, consisting of a series of structures in the membranes of cells, which allows the immune system to clearly distinguish between its own cells and these of invaders. Poor or faulty nutrition, an excess of drugs, pollutants, stress, etc, can all negatively affect the ability of the immune system to carry out its principal function, the protection of the body from a variety of invaders.

Other immune agents
The histocompatibility complex is only one agency of the immune system. Others are the thymus, a major gland responsible for many functions including the production of various hormones and white blood cells known as T lymphocytes. These cells mediate immune functions that are not dependent on antibodies. Another agency is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic vessels run parallel to blood vessels carrying tissue waste products (the lymph) to lymph nodes for cleaning. The lymph nodes contain macrophages that engulf and destroy foreign invaders and B lymphocytes, white blood cells that can start antibody production.

Still another agency is the spleen, the body's largest mass of lymphatic tissue. Aside from producing lymphocytes, the spleen destroys damaged blood cells, platelets, and serves as a blood reservoir. Finally, the liver is still one more immune agent with a multiplicity of functions, including the largest production of lymphocytes.

Immune system needs
Being a highly complex entity, but an entity we cannot do without, the immune system requires a lot of care. Many nutrients are vital for the correct functioning of the immune response. And first of all proteins to provide the amino acids necessary, out of which the body makes the enormous variety of proteins it needs for its protection, ranging from hormones to antibodies. Then a variety of vitamins is necessary. These not only help fight disease, but also enhance the action of other disease fighters. Minerals like selenium and zinc are essential for enzymatic activity. And a number of herbs are known for supporting the immune system. There is in fact no better, safer, more effective and efficient long-term agent for strengthening the immune system than correct nutrition.

Our program
As with all our programs, a comprehensive plan designed for your individual needs will be prepared by expert nutritionists, taking into account your own personal circumstances, exigencies, and specific requirements.

Our program provides,

  1. Comprehensive measures. Identification of the reasons which may have rendered your immune system weak and ineffective.
  2. Diet. What foods to eat and how to eat them, what to cut down or eliminate at least for a while, in order to strengthen your immune system.
  3. Nutritional supplements. What vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, soluble and insoluble fiber you may need, their dosages and when to take them, so as to avoid nutrient interactions.
  4. Botanical support. Which standardized herbal preparations can be of assistance for your condition, the required dosages, their contraindications, etc.
  5. Lifestyle changes. Significant but usually small changes in lifestyle that may help you recover the full potency of your immune system, and avoid weakening the most important agent for the protection of your organism.
  6. Exercise. What type of exercises would help strengthen your immune response, and what kinds of activities are bound to weaken it.
  7. Physical therapies. Other forms of treatment that may help re-establish the potency of your immune system, including acupuncture, homeopathy, etc.